Prabowo Subianto Hadiri Wisuda UKRI: Kepada Anak-anak Muda, Jadilah Pemimpin yang Cinta Rakyat

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Bandung – Chairman of the National Education Foundation of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, attended the graduation ceremony of the University of the Republic of Indonesia (UKRI) at the Trans Convention Center, Bandung, West Java, on Thursday (29/2).

In his speech, Prabowo conveyed a message to hundreds of male and female graduates not to stop learning so that they can contribute more to the country.

Prabowo said that Indonesia always needs the role of young people. He also encouraged the male and female graduates to become leaders who always love the people.

“I entrust to the young people, be leaders who love the people,” said Prabowo.

“We need tough young people, smart young people, clever young people,” he added.

Prabowo assesses that the role of leaders is an important factor that influences the future of a group. He also advised the male and female graduates to base their every step on prioritizing the interests of the people.

“You may be innovative, must be creative, must seek wealth without robbing the people’s money,” Prabowo continued.

“There are still many Indonesians who are struggling, many of our children who don’t have breakfast. You, the young people, are their hope.”

Prabowo reminded that the dedication of young people can start from the smallest part in their environment. In addition to being smart, he also emphasized that young people must be tough.

“We need young people as future leaders. In the near future, you may lead from the village level, and then keep progressing,” Prabowo said.

UKRI is a university built from the noble aspirations of the large family of Soemitro Djojohadikusumo who wants Indonesia to be a better nation.

Currently, UKRI has six faculties, namely the Faculty of Industrial Engineering; Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities; Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems; Faculty of Economics; and the newest one, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. (SENOPATI)

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