Iwan Bule, Dari Bhayangkara Berjuang Menuju Senayan

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Iwan Bule, former Police General and a Fighter on the Way to Senayan as Candidate for West Java X Member of Parliament

Entering retirement after achieving outstanding achievements as a law enforcer, retired Police Commissioner General Mochamad Iriawan, affectionately known as Iwan Bule, is now stepping into the political arena.

The police general known for his humanism and achievements during his tenure has transformed into a politician by running as a legislative candidate for the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) as the West Java X legislative candidate.

Born on March 31, 1962, he is an alumnus of the Police Academy in 1984. During his service in the Indonesian National Police (Polri), Iwan Bule handled various cases, including the handling of the murder of Nasrudin Zulkarnaen, which involved prominent figures in Indonesia. Iwan Bule also served as the Chief of Police in three regions, namely the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police Chief, the West Java Regional Police Chief, and the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police Chief.

Iwan Bule is considered adept at maintaining order in the community with his humanistic character. This character is demonstrated in his leadership, where he always pays special attention to the participation of all members in every decision and activity in the institution he leads.

Iwan Bule’s approach in carrying out his duties and responsibilities as a police general always reflects his ability to lead with gentleness. He provides space for his subordinates to develop to the maximum, is always open to new ideas, and faithfully listens to the aspirations of the people.

Not only that, his charisma and closeness to various layers of society make him a figure that is easily accepted by various groups.

As a Chief of Police, Iwan Bule demonstrated effective and transparent leadership. Understanding the importance of cooperation between the police and the community to create a safe and conducive environment is one of the keys to his success.

“The trust of the community in us is essential to work together to create a safe, peaceful, and comfortable environment for all parties without exception,” he said.

As a reliable and experienced figure, with many supporting him, Iwan Bule moves forward as a representative of the people at the national level. As a commitment to the community, this support is well received by Iwan Bule and manifested in his candidacy as a candidate for the West Java X Member of Parliament in this year’s election.

With the potential he possesses, Iwan Bule, as the West Java X legislative candidate, is expected to effectively bridge the gap between government policies and the real needs of the community, while bringing a humanistic and inclusive leadership style to the political stage, as he has done in every task or position he has held.

Sumber: https://rmol.id/politik/read/2024/01/29/607271/iwan-bule-dari-bhayangkara-berjuang-menuju-senayan

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